Relationality, not Rationality
Reasoning without Assumptions and Axioms
We all see the problems. Money is too short, inflation is too high, temperatures are rising, plastic and carcinogens fill our food and oceans, our governments are paralyzed by corporate interests, the stock market keeps soaring, etc.
The goal of this website is to revitalize your mindset with a curated set of nutrients from a wide variety of sources so that you may find new directions to grow and produce fruitfully.
The problems we are facing as a species and as the only polluting members of life on this earth are profoundly complex. We need to embrace pluralistic solutions: progress will look different for each person based on their own situations.
We cannot sit around waiting for others to do the right thing; global change starts within yourself. We must act swiftly and share what we learn with our peers along the way.
Reasoning without Assumptions and Axioms